
This page is dedicated to the humans of this amazing story. We can't forget them! This page will tell you everything about the humans. Enjoy! If you have any new idea's that we could add to our site, then don't hesitate to tell us!

Sarah. X

Mike Newton

Mike Newton was originally from California and he moved to Forks a few years ago. The actor who plays Mike is Michael Welsh. Mike Newton has a crush on Bella when she moves to Forks and he asks her to the dance, but she tells him that Jessica would like to go with him, so Mike and Jessica start dating, but he really still likes Bella. He is seventeen years old and is really jealous of Edward.

Jessica Stanley

Jessica Stanley is Seventeen years old. She has a crush on Mike and she loves to talk. When Bella first arrives in Forks, Jessica becomes her friend, but during New Moon, Jessica finds Bella becomes annoying and unreliable after Edward leaves, so she is no longer her friend. Anna Kendrick plays Jessica in the movie.

Eric Yorkie

Eric Yorkie is a nice boy who, like Mike, has a crush on Bella. In the book, they start to compete. He asks Bella to the dance, but she says no(in the nicest possible way). He is kind of geeky with 'spot problems' as Bella quotes. He is nice and friendly. Justin Chon plays Eric in the movie.

Lauren Mallory

Lauren Mallory very rarely comes into the book. She is not a nice girl and she doesn't like Bella because she gets all the attention. She isn't in the movie, so i don't have a picture of her, but she has blonde hair which she gets cut short during New Moon.

Angela Weber

Angela Weber is a nice girl who is forgiving(as she forgives Bella in New Moon for her odd behavour)and soft. She is a true friend and in the book  she dates Ben Cheney. Christian Serratos plays Angela in the movie. Christian Serratos (born September 21, 1990) is an American actress. Her TV credits include a recurring role as Suzie Crabgrass on the Nickelodeon series Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide, and roles on Hannah Montana, Zoey 101, and a 7th Heaven episode called "Broken Hearts and Promises". She also co-starred in the Disney Channel Original MovieCow Belles. She portrayed Angela Weber in the movie Twilight, based on the best-selling novel by Stephenie Meyer.

Ben Cheney

Ben Cheney is a nice boy, though he doesn't come into the book much, and he isn't in the movie. He is quite like Angela(who he dates).

Tyler Crowley

Tyler Crowley is a nice boy, though he rarely comes into the book. He is in the movie, but only briefly. I couldn't get a picture of him. He nearly kills Bella when, on an icy morning, his car skids on the ice and would have killed Bella if Edward hadn't saved her. He asks her to the dance out of guilt.


Lee and Samantha and Katie(who dates Eric later on in the Twilight saga). These characters are barely mentioned at all, but i didn't want to leave them out! There is also Austin Marks and his brother, who sells Bella the two motorbikes in New Moon.